
Council Approval Guide for Modular Builds

Looking to build a modular home or secondary dwelling on your property? You’re a few simple steps away…

Queensland Council Approval

For Queensland builds, you need to gain two approvals:
1. Building Approval
2. Plumbing Approval

1. Building Approval

Building approval will be a fairly simple process if you’re building in a residential area.

The main overlays considered are:
– Bushfire zone
– Cyclone zone
– Flood zone
– Heritage significance

At HOMElife Pods, we’ll ensure that your modular build is equipped for your climate.

Check if your site is in one of the following zonesBUSHFIRE  |  CYCLONE  |  FLOOD  |  HERITAGE

2. Plumbing Approval

A licensed plumber will need to design the sewerage treatment plant for your site and home. They’ll draw a plan displaying the connections from your home to the sewer point.

If you’re looking to build a secondary dwelling, it’s more than likely that you already have access to your local sewerage, making this part of the process a bit simpler.

Need a plumber? We can help source a local plumber to have your site inspected and will liaise with them to ensure your site meets approval requirements.

New South Wales Council Approval

For New South Wales builds, you’ll need three approvals:
1. Development Approval
2. Section 68 Construction Certificate
3. Plumbing Approval

1. Development Approval

The development approval takes into consideration your site’s climate and other overlays.

The main overlays considered are:
– Bushfire zone
– Cyclone zone
– Flood zone
– Heritage significance

Check if your site is in one of the following zones — BUSHFIRE  |  CYCLONE  | FLOOD  |  HERITAGE

2. Section 68 Construction Certificate

In addition to the building approval, a Section 68 certification is needed. Section 68 gives you the approval to build a modular home, movable dwelling or temporary shelter.
There are a few additional considerations required for this approval. These include:
– Energy efficiency
– Footings
– Bracing
– Design

The HOMElife team will work with you to ensure your build suits your site condition, climate and overall environment.

3. Plumbing Approval

A licensed plumber will need to create a plan that displays the connections from your home to the sewer point. We can help source a local plumber to have your site inspected and will liaise with them to ensure your site meets approval requirements. The plumbing approval process is simpler if you have a local sewage connection on your site.

At HOMElife Pods, we can handle the council approval stage as part of your build package. You can view our process and price breakdown here.

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